Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Blue Mountain State

So long time no post... That would be because I'm lazy and in all likely-hood nobody will read this.

I think I will post a link to this on Twitter and see what kind of reaction I get. It's most likely going to be a lulwut, seeing as that's all I seem to hear at the moment, mixed in with some bullshit for good measure. Don't forget the sprinkling of memes and injokes!

Started watching BMS (if you can't figure out what that is check the title) and it's amazing! I think Thad is probably my favourite character, he has made me laugh so much. I thought they were going to go down the classic; he's a super-jock-gay-route when I stated watching it but I like what they've done with his character. They basically made him beyond fucked up in the head. (Oil changes for everybody!)


I also like Alex, but you're obviously going to seeing as he is the main character and the every-man "normal" guy. Sammy is badass as well seeing as he is the loser of the group and still doesn't take shit from anybody and normally one-ups the characters looking down on him.

Craig was OK but has been cut from the show seeing as he'll probably be in prison for the next 20 years for being a douchebag. (See here) I'm glad they at least wrapped up his stupid whorish girlfriend storyline before he left.

The rest of the appeal obviously falls with the girls! No real main female cast members but plenty of booty per episode. Cheerleaders are boner-inducing, bit sad the S1 cheerleaders don't seem to be making a comeback (at least not yet I'm only on 2x05).

(Google has a surprising lack of good images for "blue mountain state girls" :/)


So say we footbALL!