Monday, 12 September 2011

Long time no post...

So far I've been failing to properly document my awesome and exciting adventures. In order to remedy this I've put Blogger on my shortcuts bar on Chrome next to Facebook and Twitter so hopefully I'll remember.

Work is okay at the moment, jumps from being full on to nothing to do. Kind of seems like I'm not as appreciated as when I first started, not that I need the recognition but it's nice now and then. I feel I should be getting paid more but I'm not currently in a position to discuss that as it's currently only a secondment.

Outside of work, life is a little more interesting:

  • Recently been having a "Come dine with me" of sorts with a few friends - mine was the best of course! I could have tried considerably harder though. Made a few silly mistakes that meant one of the dishes ended up being slightly burnt. Still only cost half as much as Xax's dinner 
And it wasn't cold! (love the fact that there is no background on this)
  • Steve will be coming down next month
  • Building a BSG model and planning on putting lights in
  • Some decent games are/have coming/come out (reviews to come)
  • Making some airsoft mods (details to come)
  • Been playing a lot of squash and keeping a fairly regular gym schedule - convinced Terry from work to give squash a go so I might get in some extra games here and there
  • I am looking at finally moving out of my parent's house and moving in with Jimmy (and eventually Xax?)
Been looking at houses in Croxley or maybe Garston. Trouble being that it needs parking for 3 cars which is quite tricky in our area (or England as a whole for that matter). Saw one house online that looks perfect but there are no photos of the interior. Going to call the realtor tomorrow to try and arrange a viewing for this Saturday. 

The plan is to move in November as this is when Jimmy's current contract ends and he moves out of London. Looking forward to it and already starting making a list of items I will need and planning things out. I'm not sure whether to ask if someone else wants to be the third person as Xax is uncertain about his job and may not be ready for some time. I'd feel bad if he was ready not long after we moved in and somebody else had already moved in. Also the only person that I can think of off the top of my head that wants to/could be ready to move is Wylie and I imagine he would want to wait and move in with Pondy. Although the Garston house if we got it would be great for him to jump onto the M1.

Anyway, I have to stop here as dinner will be ready soon and I need to sort out some junk beforehand.

So say we all!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Blue Mountain State

So long time no post... That would be because I'm lazy and in all likely-hood nobody will read this.

I think I will post a link to this on Twitter and see what kind of reaction I get. It's most likely going to be a lulwut, seeing as that's all I seem to hear at the moment, mixed in with some bullshit for good measure. Don't forget the sprinkling of memes and injokes!

Started watching BMS (if you can't figure out what that is check the title) and it's amazing! I think Thad is probably my favourite character, he has made me laugh so much. I thought they were going to go down the classic; he's a super-jock-gay-route when I stated watching it but I like what they've done with his character. They basically made him beyond fucked up in the head. (Oil changes for everybody!)


I also like Alex, but you're obviously going to seeing as he is the main character and the every-man "normal" guy. Sammy is badass as well seeing as he is the loser of the group and still doesn't take shit from anybody and normally one-ups the characters looking down on him.

Craig was OK but has been cut from the show seeing as he'll probably be in prison for the next 20 years for being a douchebag. (See here) I'm glad they at least wrapped up his stupid whorish girlfriend storyline before he left.

The rest of the appeal obviously falls with the girls! No real main female cast members but plenty of booty per episode. Cheerleaders are boner-inducing, bit sad the S1 cheerleaders don't seem to be making a comeback (at least not yet I'm only on 2x05).

(Google has a surprising lack of good images for "blue mountain state girls" :/)


So say we footbALL!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Second Post... Battlefields of thought

So I was going to post the other night when we had a blackout but I decided to sleep instead. I was going off on a bit of a rant but I can't be bothered to type it out again so lucky for you, you won't have to read it! Whoever you are, if anybody...

So my weight-loss program is going just how I expected, which is nowhere. Did well at the start of the week but I pigged out a little this weekend. Not as bad as usual mind but I was back on the Coke (a cola, not the drug). When I'm at the gym I'm quit happy to work but it's simply a matter of making myself go there. I still need to properly push myself though, I work hard until it gets uncomfortable and bring it back down again. I need get past that plateau and try a little harder.

I really need to resume cycling to work but that means getting up early when I go to bed so late! I don't know why but between the hours of 9pm-1am I can't sleep. I could quite easily fall asleep before and fairly well after but that little window is just impossible. Plus I really love my new car at the moment! Mazda 3 Sport with all the trimmings. See pic (if it works... typing this on my PC and I'm going to try and edit it after with a picture from my iPhone).

Also some bitch shot the windscreen of my chopper on BC2! Couldn't see shit! Sucks that nobody seems to be around anymore. Kind of feels like I'm losing my friends.

So I played some Top Golf this weekend, played a lot of Battlefield Bad Company 2 and washed the car. Also mowed the lawn for some extra sunshine time. I think when everyone is away next week I will sun myself outside. Not really comfortable doing it with my current physique. I want to start swimming though so I need to focus for the 9 weeks to get into a more comfortable shape.

So say we all.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Number 1

Kind of late to be blogging seeing as I have work in the morning but what the hell...

Just signed up for Blogger and bought the Blogpress app. I wanted to blog to encourage myself to be more honest and forthcoming about what's going on in my head and to encourage me to be more active so I have something to write about.

Currently my main goal in life is to lose about 2 stone. Should hopefully be pretty simple and it will be a good way to increase my self-control.

I started yesterday weighing in about 200/201 pounds. I'm hoping to lose 2-3 pounds a week for around 9 weeks.

Obviously I'm less concerned with my actual weight then I am with body fat. I've always been a little more densely built than most and I'm fairly well distributed. I prefer this to having just a gut but it does make me look pretty huge sometimes.

I'm open to advice but there isn't many people I know who I would listen to regarding this subject. I seem to know too many "experts".

I posted on facebook about it and got many a stupid reply. I was kind of hoping for encouragement but only got it from 2 people, one of who I barely know.

I will document my progress with pictures and more as I go. I plan on weighing in every Saturday and have a check every Wednesday to see if the weight is staying off. I will be weighing empty each time to ensure it's a fair test!

I am actually feeling hungry right now which can't be a good sign… think I may try and sleep. If not I'll watch some more Battlestar Galactica. Expect a post about that soon!

So say we all.
Location:My bed