Just a brief selection of trailers and links to movies/games/whatever that I am looking forward to in the next few months and in some cases years...
The Dark Knight Rises - going to be seeing this Saturday the 21st of July at 4:25am! Hardcore!
The Amazing Spider-man - Spider-man enough said
Dead Space 3 - Co-op survival horror, fuck yeah!
My manager at work used to bring in these amazing crackers by a company called Cracotti. Unfortunately the place she used to buy them from stopped selling them. I Googled and found this recipe so I'm going to give it a go sometime this week! http://thehuntergatherers.com/erica/fig-olive-crisps/
I really haven't been using this thing at all. It's a testimony to my laziness.
I have the habit of thinking about all the cool shit I want to post while I am in bed and then putting it off until the morning.
I do this with everything; work, exercise, creating... you name it, I think about doing it. I was even thinking of putting this little post about nothing off! I need help :(
Meanwhile here is a satire on what has been taking up most of my time recently.