Monday, 12 September 2011

Long time no post...

So far I've been failing to properly document my awesome and exciting adventures. In order to remedy this I've put Blogger on my shortcuts bar on Chrome next to Facebook and Twitter so hopefully I'll remember.

Work is okay at the moment, jumps from being full on to nothing to do. Kind of seems like I'm not as appreciated as when I first started, not that I need the recognition but it's nice now and then. I feel I should be getting paid more but I'm not currently in a position to discuss that as it's currently only a secondment.

Outside of work, life is a little more interesting:

  • Recently been having a "Come dine with me" of sorts with a few friends - mine was the best of course! I could have tried considerably harder though. Made a few silly mistakes that meant one of the dishes ended up being slightly burnt. Still only cost half as much as Xax's dinner 
And it wasn't cold! (love the fact that there is no background on this)
  • Steve will be coming down next month
  • Building a BSG model and planning on putting lights in
  • Some decent games are/have coming/come out (reviews to come)
  • Making some airsoft mods (details to come)
  • Been playing a lot of squash and keeping a fairly regular gym schedule - convinced Terry from work to give squash a go so I might get in some extra games here and there
  • I am looking at finally moving out of my parent's house and moving in with Jimmy (and eventually Xax?)
Been looking at houses in Croxley or maybe Garston. Trouble being that it needs parking for 3 cars which is quite tricky in our area (or England as a whole for that matter). Saw one house online that looks perfect but there are no photos of the interior. Going to call the realtor tomorrow to try and arrange a viewing for this Saturday. 

The plan is to move in November as this is when Jimmy's current contract ends and he moves out of London. Looking forward to it and already starting making a list of items I will need and planning things out. I'm not sure whether to ask if someone else wants to be the third person as Xax is uncertain about his job and may not be ready for some time. I'd feel bad if he was ready not long after we moved in and somebody else had already moved in. Also the only person that I can think of off the top of my head that wants to/could be ready to move is Wylie and I imagine he would want to wait and move in with Pondy. Although the Garston house if we got it would be great for him to jump onto the M1.

Anyway, I have to stop here as dinner will be ready soon and I need to sort out some junk beforehand.

So say we all!