So my weight-loss program is going just how I expected, which is nowhere. Did well at the start of the week but I pigged out a little this weekend. Not as bad as usual mind but I was back on the Coke (a cola, not the drug). When I'm at the gym I'm quit happy to work but it's simply a matter of making myself go there. I still need to properly push myself though, I work hard until it gets uncomfortable and bring it back down again. I need get past that plateau and try a little harder.
I really need to resume cycling to work but that means getting up early when I go to bed so late! I don't know why but between the hours of 9pm-1am I can't sleep. I could quite easily fall asleep before and fairly well after but that little window is just impossible. Plus I really love my new car at the moment! Mazda 3 Sport with all the trimmings. See pic (if it works... typing this on my PC and I'm going to try and edit it after with a picture from my iPhone).

Also some bitch shot the windscreen of my chopper on BC2! Couldn't see shit! Sucks that nobody seems to be around anymore. Kind of feels like I'm losing my friends.

So I played some Top Golf this weekend, played a lot of Battlefield Bad Company 2 and washed the car. Also mowed the lawn for some extra sunshine time. I think when everyone is away next week I will sun myself outside. Not really comfortable doing it with my current physique. I want to start swimming though so I need to focus for the 9 weeks to get into a more comfortable shape.
So say we all.